Oklahoma City Oil Field Injury Lawyers

Oil fields pose many hazards to workers, as there can be numerous types of volatile chemicals in their liquid, gas, or solid forms at the sites. In the event that one of these chemicals is ignited, a disastrous fire or explosion can occur and cause extensive injury to workers and vast damage to machinery and equipment near the point of explosion. An explosion or fire may cause catastrophic injuries or the deaths of numerous workers.

Talking to an Oklahoma City oil field accident attorney is one of the first steps to take if you or someone you know was injured in a fire or explosion at an oil drilling site in this area. After seeking medical care, it is essential to talk to an attorney about your legal options. You may now be in a situation where you are facing serious physical and emotional injuries and will be facing overwhelming medical bills and financial difficulties caused by lost earnings from missed work.

An attorney can review the circumstances of your accident and injuries to determine the amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive and from what sources. With an experienced professional to protect your legal rights, you can be sure that you will not be taken advantage of by your employer or the insurance company handling your claim. You can seek the money that will truly enable you to move on.

oil field on fire

Injured in an oil field explosion or fire? Contact us today!

The injuries that may be caused by an oil field explosion or fire are likely to be severe. Third-degree burns, broken bones, loss of sight, loss of hearing, brain damage, spinal cord injuries, and loss of limbs are all the types of physical trauma that may be associated with an incident of this kind. In these serious matters, make sure you have an injury lawyer by your side who will stand up to the large oil companies and insurers to help you get the money you need - and deserve.

If you were harmed in an explosion or fire on the job, contact an Oklahoma City oil field injury lawyer at the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote to learn how you can seek fair compensation.

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