Our Proven Oklahoma City Truck Accident Attorneys Can Seek Justice

Distracted driving is a growing concern among officials and advocates who want to stop the rising number of fatal accidents in the U.S.

As dangerous as distracted driving can be in a car, however, it can be potentially catastrophic in a large commercial vehicle. When a traffic accident is caused by a distracted truck driver, legal action may be called for to account for any resulting injuries.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a dangerous truck accident, our team at the Law Offices of Stipe & Belote is ready to hear from you. Our award-winning Oklahoma City 18-wheeler injury lawyers have more than four decades of collective legal experience and know what it takes to secure our clients the recognition and relief they deserve. Do you believe you have a viable truck accident claim? Use our online form to request a free case evaluation with us today.

What Is Distracted Driving?

Most of us are tempted to multitask while behind the wheel, but commercial truck drivers face circumstances that can make them even more susceptible. They often spend long hours driving, and both professional responsibilities and personal provisions can take their attention off the road. Common examples of distracted driving for truck drivers includes:

  • Texting on a smartphone (or using personal device)
  • Reaching for food or other items
  • Looking at a map or GPS device
  • Talking or listening to CB radio

Commercial truck drivers face fines and other professional ramifications if caught distracted driving—but that hasn't stopped many of them from taking their eyes off the road. If you believe you were hurt by a distracted truck driver, call our Oklahoma City truck accident lawyers today. We're ready to assess the circumstances of your claim and, if necessary, take aggressive steps toward securing you maximum financial compensation.

Your injuries should be answered for. Call us today at (888) 842-1374 to start exploring your legal options.

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